Legal notice
REICH Thermoprozesstechnik GmbH
Kappelweg 20
73579 Schechingen
Tel: +49 7175 99 790 0
Fax: +49 7175 99 790 11
E-Mail: info(at)
Directors of REICH Thermoprozesstechnik GmbH:
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. (FH) Steffen Jaiser
Registering court: Ulm local court
Registration number: HRB 729076
VAT Number: DE 289 399 231
The content of this internet presence has been generated with the greatest care. Precautions have been taken to prevent misuse of these websites, in particular to prevent contamination third-party malware (e.g. computer viruses). However, REICH Thermoprozesstechnik GmbH cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness and currentness of the published content at its internet domain. Liability for malware from third parties is generally excluded.
There is a general disclaimer for damages that can result from the use of these internet sites, insofar as the damages are not based on malicious or grossly negligent conduct by REICH Thermoprozesstechnik GmbH or if there is damage to life, limb or health.
If links to third-party internet sites are placed on these pages, no liability is assumed in respect of the accuracy, completeness and currentness of the information published there. REICH Thermoprozesstechnik GmbH expressly distances itself from unlawful content and rejects liability, insofar as third parties use such content on their sites.